Saturday, April 14, 2012


The Drums & Specter Roundhouse 27.2.12

An NME award show with two bands I had limited knowledge of. In fact I turned down the Drums for a fiver a couple of years ago when I passed the forum and touts were trying to get rid of their last tickets.
Specter were enjoyable, though I'm not sure about bands wearing suits. The singer wants to be an american Jarvis, but they are backed up with good tunes such as Never Fade Away.
The Drums on the other hand were a bit too shoeglaze for my liking with the singer dancing flambouyantly to each song. Just when you thought it could not get any camper, on comes Boy George to do backing vocals on one of their songs before storming into Do You Really Want To Hurt Me? The highlight of their set.

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