Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Iron Man II

Saw my first film of the year at the weekend, Marvel Comics Iron Man 2. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw Sutton cinema has reduced its prices to £5.95 making it worthwhile. Bargain especially when compared to Wimbledon and Kingston cinemas which are nearly a tenner.
The film itself was excellent, though Hollywood has changed the race of Nick Fury much as they did with the Kingpin. No matter when he's played by Samuel L Jackson. The effects and storyline are really good though the final fights scenes seemed to have been made for a video game (or from one) which was the only slight disappointment. Scarlet Johannsson is wonderfully sexy and alluring as Natasha Romanov (The Black Widow in the comics) and the SHIELD / Avengers subplot is obviously making you ready for the film which could be an epic. The scene after the closing credits is a wonderful taster for the Mighty Thor.
Once again you do get the Stan Lee cameo which could become a good drinking game when watching Marvel suprthero movies.

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