Friday, June 19, 2009


Lemuria, Dave House, Broken Robot The Fly 13.6.09

Bored on a Saturday without football so decide to head to a gig in London. Lemuria, female fronted indie pop band from Buffalo, New York, seemed a good option. It was at The Fly meaning I could have a quick pint of Oranjeboom in th eBloomsbury opposite. Lemuria's album Get Better is released on the Banquet records label, based in the shop of the same name opposite the 213 stop in Kingston. Therefore a band from Kingston who I did not catch the name off opened proceedings. They suffered from sound problems, as you could hardly hear the female keyboard co-singer, but weren't very good. The bass played at the front of the band but didn't sing and the co-vocalist guitrist to his left seemed a bit of a prat. May have one or two tunes if they kept the focus on the female.
Broken Robot (from Southend) were more impressive. Singer was wearing a Lemuria shirt (is he a fan or had he ruined the one he was wearing?). Good tunes and concentrating on melody rather than noise is always good.
Dave House was next and was impressive enough for me to buy his latest and third album (direct from him no less). He reminds me of Jimbob from Carter USM, singing about London (& Kingston). I have since discovered he has covered Strawberry Switchblade on record (alas he didn't at this gig) which shows he has good taste. Will have to buy his other albums next time I get a 213.
Lemuria, who were advertised below Mr House, headlined. A good 50 minute set, with some good tunes, though some lacked choruses as a slight criticism. Sheena the singer isn't your typical front women for a band and they benefit from that. The only problem is her height when playing these tiny venues it was difficult to see her from only a few yards away (when people are in front of you!). Worth the £6.00 admittance though decided it wasn't worth hanging around after as some did to get some merchandise signed.

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