Friday, February 27, 2009


Rose Elinor Dougall, Brixton Windmill 25.2.09.

Accuse me of stalking then you may be right. My second Rose Elinor Dougall gig in a couple of weeks over a hundred miles apart. This was a reasonable journey to Brixton’s Windmill, a place I hadn’t been to before. Cheap too, indeed admittance was nearly the same as the price of a pint inside.
Her support this time were, The Clowns, who played indie rock, sounding like the Manics at one stage, though they actually dressed up like clowns for some reason. I don’t particularly like Ronald McDonald in the first place. The second support were the Bobby McGees, a middle aged irish couple, the male of which had a big beard, singing comedy songs and chucking sweets into the crowd. What it is about weird support slots these days. Fortunately they had the Chelsea game on, on a TV at the back.
Rose was much better than in Cardiff. She seemed more relax and the band took their time between songs. The sound was also very good and it seemed to be a bit more tight. The songs are growing on me and allegedly her album is ready once she finds a label to put it out on. She’s playing a place in Shoreditch in a couple of weeks which is even cheaper to get into (free apparently). Will let you know how it is here no doubt should I venture out.

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