Tuesday, November 04, 2008


What no gigs. End of October week.

A quiet week last week in comparison to gigging for the previous fortnight. Had my eyes checked and have moved back to the daily disposables contact lense wise. Boots where I used to get them from said I had to be on monthlies at £66.00 plus solutions every three months, whereas the new independent optician say my eyes are fine for dailies which cost £25.00 for a thirty day supply which will last me about three months! Mmm, corporate scam by Boots? They do do a good meal deal each month however, with a sixth meal deal free (sandwich/salad, crisps / dips and any drink) when you buy five in a calendar month. So a negative with a positive there.
Went to a Halloween / 21st Birthday party on Friday through a music acquaintance. As in Mean Girls with Lindsey Lohan, fancy dress is a chance for girls to dress like sluts, so some fantastic outfits on the females on view. Alas also being a 21st birthday it also meant most of the blokes were idiots so only stayed for a few drinks rather than try my luck!
Saturday I watch the mega money Stanford 20-20. What a let down. England hardly turned up and as such it was not a great advert for the game which is what Stanford wanted. As my Spurs mate said, they needed Harry over there. He is now another reason to detest spurs. Keep quiet in case I write anything libellous now!

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