Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Be Your Own Pet 1.4.08 Scala
Ah… Be Your Own Pet. Jemina, the bloke who looks like Alan Sunderland and two other guys from Nashville, with a unique blend of shouty punk grunge. They are responsible for my favourite album of the year so far, Get Awkward!
We got up to Kings Cross to watch the first leg of Roma Man Utd where C Ronaldo scored a Joe Jordanesque header, which is one of the best headed goals seen for a long while. As they weren’t on till 9.45, we saw the whole of United’s victory before heading off to The Scala. (side issue re venue - interesting was shut down many years ago as it should Clockwork Orange whilst it was banned!)
A good positioned was obtained, on the floor on the left as always and we were treated to fifty minutes of excitement and fast moving songs. A surprising amount of the debut album was played including Fuuun and Adventure though it was the new album cuts that stood out for me. Black Hole, The Kelly Affair although fast paced were head banging cuts you could sing to. Towards the end of the Becky, a song that the Pipettes could have sung, where the singer kills her ex best friend by knifing her afer class and thinking it was fun, was fantastic especially as it loosens the pace of the gig. Bitches Leave and The Beast Within both had Zepplin type riffs in which show how much they are progressing and finally the encored with a great version of Bunk Trunk Skunk which reminds of why we love them in the first place.
Hopefully will be back in England come the Autumn!