Thursday, January 04, 2007


Another Year this time it's 2007!

So I bet you're all wondering who won the calender match off referred to below. Well it was another curvaceous 6-6 draw which even went to a female ajudicator who could not choose between them!

For New Years eve, we did a crawl of Wimbledon. So nice to go to a place where there are no tickets to be bought in advance and no dress code (although every one looked smart!)and you were free to drift place to place!

New Years Day did see a thrilling darts match on Sky for the world title. Barney beat Phil Taylor in sudden death after being three down. Was a great, great game!

Not many plans this week, so a slow start to the year. Can't go to Torquay due to distance, so will probably go Sutton Eastleigh to catch up with Saints legends Francis Benali and player-manager Jason Dodd!.

For some reason today, despite a lethargic first couple of days back at work, I am in a bouncy good mood. Probably won't last alas!

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