Friday, July 07, 2006


The Pipettes Kings College 3.7.06

Always good to see a gig at Kings College after spending most Saturdays there at Collide-a-scope during the Britpop years (ahh... happy times) Monday I returned to the venue to see sugary pop - indie female trio the Pipettes. Managed to get in to see the support who were the 1990s. I was impressed with their drummer and they reminded me a little of the American band Dada with their rocky melodies with a hint of a darkside. One of their songs segued into I Fought The Law which is no bad thing. A shame the lead singer / guitarist looked liked a Scottish white Ronaldo heroin addict. Still a band to look out for.
Onto the Pipettes. As a trio in matching polka dot outfits they will always get the comparison of the sixties girl groups. However this is fun stuff and they reminded me of Shampoo in the good old days with song titles such as Dirty Mind, Your Kisses Are Wasted On Me and One Night Stand. Their end song was I Like A Man In Uniform, School Uniform which summed up all that was great about this band. Visually pleasing too although Becki does look like Jenny Eclair! Gwen was the other blonde one but I was enamored with Rose with the dark hair and her mischievous expressions especially when she was on keyboards. Maybe another obsession is coming on!

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