Thursday, February 23, 2006


Last two weeks

Not done that much hence lack of posting. On the sulphur front have a couple of new songs to try out next time we get the band together. One is a good riff but lyrically a bit overweight but certainly has potential, the other I need to rewrite the chorus to make it a bit more melodic.
Am stuck on 81 pubs so far for the year (this time last year I was on 114!) and no really strange places to report. However my final newsletter for Dr Lovegroves site is about to be published which includes my 2005 awards!
Also am moving this weekend further away from Cheam, although this name of this blog will not change as I imagine my Cheam drinking frequency won't decline immensely!
Have got a gig to go to next week, which no doubt there'll be a write up of and also have tentatively announced this years annual crawl which will be taking place along Upper Street from Angel Islington to Highbury.

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